Festivals and traditions


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Around June 24, the first Summer Fair arrives in the Subbética, the San Juan Fair, which gives way to the 'festive summer', not only for Cabra but for the entire region. This fair has numerous cultural attractions, sports events, attractions, concerts, booths, bulls and the recently recovered 'bonfires of San ...
Giant Three Kings' Cake.
The giant Three Kings' cake is celebrated in Lucena with the dual purpose of promoting the city and its typical gastronomy while raising funds for charitable purposes. The Roscón aims to carry out a social and charitable work while enlivening the city center through the tasting of a gastronomic product ...
Corpus Christi means 'Body of Christ' in Latin. In Carcabuey, it is celebrated on the Sunday following Corpus Christi Thursday. Members of each brotherhood, association, or group work to decorate the street assigned to them with multicolored sawdust, forming over a thousand meters of multicolored sawdust carpets that run through ...
May 15th, Royal Fair in honor of our patron San Isidro Labrador in Fuente Tójar.
Fuente Tójar
The Royal Fair of Fuente-Tójar lasts four days, of which always May 15 (patron saint's day), and the rest of the days are variable, so that it always coincides with the weekend. During the Fair there is a wide range of activities for all ages... cultural, musical, sporting, etc... In ...
Holy Week in Rute.
Once Holy Week arrives, the basic nucleus around which its organization and celebration revolve is the brotherhoods and fraternities. Rute's Holy Week, like in the rest of Andalusian towns and cities, is a religious phenomenon that coexists with other more popular and heterodox manifestations. Specifically, Holy Week begins in our ...
Almedinilla (3)
Benamejí (2)
Cabra (3)
Carcabuey (16)
Doña Mencía (3)
Encinas Reales (3)
Fuente Tójar (4)
Iznájar (4)
Lucena (9)
Luque (2)
Palenciana (2)
Priego de Córdoba (5)
Rute (6)
Zuheros (4)